All donations go towards to supporting both the hosting and development of EOA as well as a way to support the amazing team who put in their time and hard work into making all of this into a reality. Without them, this dream would only be a dream and I can't thank them enough for supporting me and putting a lot of passion into EOA and it's amazing community.

As a way to also give back to you for supporting us, we would like to make sure your donation also goes towards cosmetics items or pets only and nothing that gives players stats or any advantages. Our goal with EOA is to allow as many possible ways through both in game and as a thank you through donations by letting players customize their characters as much as they want to really give them that unique look they like.

Players will receive the same amount of credits equal to the amount that is donated. Donations should update automatically on your client but if you do not see any updates then please log out and close your client and try again. If there are any issues, please contact an admin online and they will investigate the situation and try to assist you as as soon as possible. 


This is what we currently have in our Credits Shop located in Central.

(Make sure you spell your character's name correctly.)