1 - We do not allow any pornographic material of any kind or anything that involves nudity. Any such posts will be deleted and the user will be permanently banned.

Any shared illegal activity will be reported to the appropriate authorities and the user is immediately banned and the material is removed.

2 - No harassment towards another user. We do allow playful banter or ribbing however if the other user does have an issue and asks to stop then we ask that you stop. If you are asked to stop under these conditions then you will receive two warnings.

If the behavior continues then you will be banned for two weeks but if the behavior continues after that then the user is permanently banned.

3 - We do not allow any post, polls or threads about politics, religion, sexism, racism and political correctness. This is not to suppress anyone's beliefs or rights but to prevent possible arguments, drama or worse however If it happens in the voice chat and a user does bring up religion or politics and you are uncomfortable then you have the right to move to another voice chat or leave before it gets bad.

If an admin has to step in to ask the conversation to stop and if the conversation does go too far then the user will be given three warnings but if the behavior continues then the user will be banned for three weeks.

If the behavior continues after the three week ban and becomes a repeating issue then the user will be permanently banned.

4 - Please don't spam the server; jokes are obviously fine and multiple postings of something can be fun and enjoyable! But use common sense. Delete the posts yourself afterward, and not run the scroll wheel to death. Three is a ballpark for this kind of bit, any more and it’s not so much a joke but more of an inconvenience to other users. If a user spams then we will turn off the user's ability to post or hop in voice chat.

5 - Please NEVER leak, share or dox any confidential/ personal information such as emails, home addresses, phone numbers, IP addresses, health insurance, medical records, tax information or social security on the server about anyone.
Administration and staff will immediately turn the server offline, remove all posts, document everything for the victim as well as write a testimony and send it. The user who does this will be immediately banned.

These are all crimes which are NOT tolerated and the staff will support the victim in any way if we need to report it to the police.

6 - No gossip or drama about other users or discord communities, all posts will be removed and the user will receive a three week ban. If it continues after that then the user is permanently banned.

7 - Any user caught impersonating another user or a deceased user will be permanently banned.

8 - If a banned user is caught on a second account then they will be immediately permanently banned.

9 - Admins advice you to never download something from another user, we will try to investigate and remove any potential harmful downloads from other users but in case we do miss one, please proceed with caution and you are downloading at your own risk.

Anyone caught sending out harmful files or links will be banned and their posts removed.

These rules apply to everyone including the staff and it's not to be strict but we want a chill and fun atmosphere here. No staff wants to warn or have their users banned and we hope to never have to. Any role changes, warnings or bans will be held to a staff meeting and a vote by all staff before a decision is final.

1 - Any players caught botting will be permanently Banned.

2 - Players caught harassing or bullying other players will be warned once to stop. If the behavior continues the player will be banned.

3 - Players caught with unapproved duplicated accounts will have both accounts banned.

4 - Players who consistently say racial slurs will be muted from all chats.

5 - Players caught selling accounts, items or accessories for real life money will be immediately banned.

6 - Players caught attacking the server in any way will be documented and reported to the proper. Accounts and IPs will be banned.

7 - Players who donate and reclaims donation will be warned once. If it happens a second time then the player will be blocked from donating.

8 - Players caught stealing accounts or names will be permanently banned.

9 - Players' false reporting will be warned once, if the action happens again then they will be muted from all chats.

10 - Trolls will be immediately muted from all chats.

11 - players spamming or adding inappropriate content on Town boards will lose the Town Board features. All Posts will ne removed.

12 - Please be respectful to all staff. You don't have to like anyone or agree with them but showing them respect is all we ask. Players who continue to break this rule will be banned.

13 - Players caught stealing hen using or selling EOA assets will be documented, reported to the SLN and immediately banned.

14 - Multi-clienting is not allowed unless the account is approved as a Guild Bank account. Any accounts caught will be banned.

15 - Approved Guild Bank accounts are not allowed to compete, fight or anything. Please keep all Guild Bank accounts in Central. Approved accounts must only have a character with the name of the guild and bank after. Violators will have their account deleted

16 - Anyone imitating an Admin will be immediately banned.

Welcome To EOA!
We thank you for your interest in playing EOA and we are excited to have you here however we do have some rules we need to go over before proceeding.

Please Read
These rules are broken up in two. Set one is for the Discord and set two is for the game.

Player Safety

1 - Never download a copy of EOA of an external source, this includes other websites, other Discord servers or from another user. It Is possible for third parties to attach a hidden file that could be harmful to your PC.

This is why we recommend only downloading from the official website and official Discord.

We are not responsible for 3rd parties.

2 - Never share personal information related to your family, your country or location, time zone or anything retaining to your personal information or identity. While people could appear decent on the outside, they could be actually dangerous peopeople. Please practice precaution and share at Your own risk.

3 - Never share your account information, this could comprise your account and could cause you loss. If your account is comprised then Admins Will approve your new account and delete the comprised account.

4 - While we have no way of actually monitoring if a user is of age, we ask that all users please be 18 or older to join the Discord and game. We would Like to believe all of our users are good people but we can't guarantee that and we would hate for a potential minor player to be harassed by an adult player.

If you are not 18 and you have joined and another user is harassing you, please tell staff so we can document and report the user to the proper authorities.

We consider children's safety very seriously.

5 - Be very careful when clicking on any invite link to any website or Discord server, we will try to protect you from that the best we can on here but there will be times we might miss something. As an all out best practice, if it looks weird or something is off then please don't click on it.

[Emergency Actions]
If by whatever reason that an admin needs to shut down either the game or Discord servers and has to take immediate action to protect the community, immediate actions will be taken and documentation will be made if needed.

We can't cover everything In our rules but if our community is in trouble then we will protect it by any means necessary.

[Theft Of Game Assets]
Any Art or assets that are listed as “FREE TO USE”, which can be found in free to us section on our Discord available for the public to add into their own private server free of charge. All we ask is to please respectfully give any Artist who worked on the assets credit.

However, any assets that are not listed in the free to use section are strictly for the development of EOA only and we ask politely not to take or use any of our assets for any other purposes.

We ask this as a way to show respect to our talented creators who devoted their time and hard work to make EOA into what it is. They made this for EOA only, not for the use of other servers.

That leads into the next reason is because most of these assets were designed for the purpose of EOA only, to tell a story different from others. We do not mind someone asking us nor do we mind collaborations where we could help another developer out and we understand the Art is hard to come by if you don't have an Artist but taking and reusing assets without permission is disrespectful and it is theft and could prevent us from future collaborations.